The Mission
With regard to the climate change, scarcity of resources, environmental pollution etc., a sustainable or “green” development of our society is more relevant than ever. In the field of photonics we are also aware of these difficulties and want to make a decisive contribution. The potential of photonics as a green technology goes far beyondalready successful technologies such as LEDs, laser processing, photovoltaics etc.
Therefore, the first aspired goal of the working wroup Photonics for a Green Society (P4GS) is to prepare information and facts reflecting the qualifications of photonics to achieve efficiency and responsible progress. The main aim is to demonstrate Austrian know-how in this area.
Furthermore, the working group supports an intensive cooperation of various partners in order to to focus the members in the area of the “Green Deal”. In further consequence also publicity-effective steps are possible for educational work and knowledge transfer.
Shaping the Future
The core group currently consits of the following organizations:

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology



FH Technikum Vienna



nLIGHT plasmo


SAL Silicon Austria Labs


TU Graz

TU Vienna


Common activities include the compilation of overview documents on the sustainable potential of photonics in Austria based on lighthouse projects and lead technologies, as well as the development of possible implementation concepts for identified goals.
Furthermore, a division of the topics into three focal points enables the acceleration of the activities and the best possible use of the individually available know-how. The key topics involve:
- Information and communication technology
- Photonics for a Green Production
- Environmental monitoring and technology
In addition, further data and facts are collected in order to sufficiently reflect and argue the broad spectrum of environmentally relevant photonics applications.
Information Flyer “Photonics-4-Green-Society” (german)