The Mission
With the increasing importance of photonics in science, economy and industry, the need for excellently trained specialists with a photonic background is also growing.
The working group EDUCATION of Photonics Austria supports and launches initiatives with the aim to meet this demand.
The topics range from events for children and teenagers, who get a first glimpse at the exciting technology of photonics, to lectures and workshops for universities and adult education.
Shaping the Future
The core group currently consists of the following organizations:

FH Vorarlberg

FH Technikum Vienna


SAL Silicon Austria Labs

TU Graz

TU Vienna

University of Graz

University of Innsbruck

- University for Kid's (e.g. University of Graz, TU Vienna, University of Innsbruck)
- Teacher Training (e.g. JOANNEUM RESEARCH, University of Graz, FH Vorarlberg)
- School partnerships (e.g. FH Technikum Vienna)
- Day of Light (new event every year, organised by Photonics Austria)
- Taketech (Styria, JOANNEUM RESEARCH)
- Long Night of Research, Long Night of Museums
Photonics Explorer
The Photonics Explorer offers students of all ages an extensive and exciting contingent of experiments to feel and see the basics of optics and photonics through their own hands-on experience and to explore scientific work for themselves.
Find out more at Photonics Explorer!
Further activities in the subject area of education can also be found under Photonics at School and University.