NEW: CARLA Internship Webpage
The time has finally come and the CARLA internship webpage is public! It is intended to help students find internship opportunities in photonics and related fields. The job postings are specifically aimed at STEM students and young researchers.
You as an organization or company can also use this service to publish your internship offers. Simply register by clicking on “Submit an internship” and add the required information for each position. After an internal review, the internship will then be published on the CARLA website.
We look forward to many successful internships in the future!
From 27 – 28 November 2024, Students had the opportunity to gain completely new insights into WILD and the world of photonics.
Guided tours, discussions with experts and information on career opportunities were only a small part of the provided program.
We are excited to have similar activities in the future!

Project 360 CARLA Overview
360 Photonics Career Launch Programs

As in other deep tech fields, there is a shortage of qualified professionals in photonics due to a lack of education and training programs, a rapidly evolving technology field, and a lack of knowledge about career opportunities offered by the photonics ecosystem, among other factors.
360 CARLA builds on the previous CARLA project, which took on the challenge of advancing the careers of students and researchers in photonics through the CARLA Career Camps. The aim is to maintain and further promote the interest of CARLA participants and to expand the network to include more and more students and young researchers.
The content is implemented in the form of four focus areas, the so-called “verticals”, whose activities range from career symposia, mentorship programs, innovation and entrepreneurship workshops to general training and information events.
Focus areas: The 4 Verticals
Biotechnology and medical Photonics
Manufacturing/Industry 4.0.
Energy, Environment and Sustainability
Quantum Technology/Communication
Project Goals
- Increase the number of students and researchers interested in a career in photonics
- Additional outreach to STEM students and researchers interested in the topic of photonics applications
- Providing a comprehensive understanding of the photonics landscape around the relevant focus areas
- Connecting participants and mentors with experience in photonics innovation, entrepreneurship and education
In addition, 360 CARLA will collaborate with other EU initiatives in the field of photonics that drive better preparation of the future workforce or that address the focus areas so that mutual support can be provided through common strategies, activities, content and dissemination channels.
January 2024
30 Months
Project Partners

- Fundacio Institut De Ciencies Fotoniques (ES)
- Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz (CH)
- Technische Universiteit Delft (NL)
- Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (AT)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)
- Politecnico Di Milano (IT)
- Institut D’Optique Theorique Et Appliquee Iota – Supoptique (FR)
- Centrum Vedecko Technickych Informacii Slovenskej Republiky (SK)
- Forschungsverbund Berlin EV (DE)
- Ekonomiska Foreningen PhotonicSweden (SE)
- PB Science Management KB (SE)
- LS Lasertech Innovation KB (SE)
- Photonics Finland (FI)
- Association European Optical Scociety (FR)
- European Optical Society OY (FI)