

Boosting Europe’s Sovereignty in Technology by driving Photonics from Research to Market - Photonics 21

BestPhorm21 aimed to support the Horizon Europe Photonics Private Partnership (PPP) established between the EU Commission and Photonics21 and thus promote the growth of the European photonics industry.

The project was led by the Photoncs21 Secretariat and VDITZ, in partnership with 14 national technology platforms, representing the European photonics industry, research and technology organizations (RTOs) and clusters.

The project focused on developing a European strategy and roadmap for the photonics industry, mobilizing the entire photonics innovation ecosystem in Europe, supporting venture funding for photonics companies and networking with the end-user industry.

As follow-up project of NextPho21, BestPhorm21 had the primary goal of providing decisive support for the "Photonics Private Partnership".

Project Partners

  • VDI Technologiezentrum (DE)
  • Photonics Finland (FI)
  • Ekonomiska Foreningen PhotonicSweden (SE)
  • Hellenic Photonics Cluster (EL)
  • Knowledge Transfer Network Limited (UK)
  • RTO Lithuania (LT)
  • Photonics Austria (AT)
  • Photonics France (FR)
  • Polska Platforma Technologiczna Fotoniki (PL)
  • University College Cork (IE)
  • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (ES)
  • Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz (CH)
  • Vereiniging PhotonicsNL (NL)
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)


January 2021


36 Months