The Austrian Platform for Light Technology

The Austrian technology platform Photonics Austria was founded on the initiative of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) in order to establish a strong presence at national and international level together with representatives from business and research and to promote the exchange between business, research and education. The main tasks of Photonics Austria are to develop and support national and international research strategies and programs and to promote networking with European photonic activities, as well as to offer national actors an exchange platform.
Shaping the future with photonics
Innovation through competence, knowledge and experience
Board of Directors

Dr. Heinz Seyringer
CEO der V-Research, Dornbirn

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Paul Hartmann
Finance Officer and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Institute Director MATERIALS, Institute for Sensors, Photonics and Manufacturing Technologies at JOANNEUM RESEARCH

Dr. rer. nat. Martin Strassburg
Deputy Finance Officer
Director R&D Funding

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Strasser
Institut of Solid State Electronics, TU Wien

Dr. Martina Trinkel-Rudman
Assistant Secretary
Business Development WILD Group

Main tasks

Michael Wurzinger, MSc
Project Management
Photonics Austria – Platform for the promotion of Austrian interests in the field of photonics
Tel.: +43 (0) 316 876-3021

Alexandra Grabner
Office Management
Photonics Austria – Platform for the promotion of Austrian interests in the field of photonics
Tel.: +43 (0) 316 876-3016

Anja Ralón Rosales, BSc
Management Assistence
Photonics Austria – Platform for the promotion of Austrian interests in the field of photonics
Tel.: +43 (0) 316 876-3022