Photonics Research Laboratory Graz
An initiative of Photonics Austria for the International Day of Light
Thursday, 16. Mai 2024
Day of Light 2024 - Join us in Graz!

Photonics4Industry & CARLA Capsule
An initiative of Photonics Austria for the International Day of Light
Monday, 15. May until Wednesday, 17. May 2023
Vienna & Weiz
Insights into the Day of Light 2023
CARLA Capsule Vienna
Attention all MINT-students - we bring light into your career!
On the International Day of Light 2023, the CARLA Capsule exclusively orgnaised for you will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the field of photonics and promote your career! Therefore, on 16 May 2023 we invite you to the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology in Vienna, where for one afternoon everything will revolve around the topic “Students & Photonics”. Whether it is your first time participating in an CARLA Event or not, being a part is wothwhile so do not miss this chance!
This event is organised in cooperation with the CARLA project and can be attended individually or in addition to the CARLA Career Camp held in Graz in Summer 2022. For more details see: Projekt – Carla – Photonics Austria
3 Days Photonics4Industry
Delegation Trip to Vienna and Weiz!
Zum Internationalen Tag des Lichts 2023 ladet Photonics Austria heuer zu einer Delegationsreise ein. In Kooperation mit dem Projekt Photonics4Industry werden innerhalb von drei Tagen österreichische Stärken kommuniziert, nationaler als auch internationaler Austausch angeregt sowie Möglichkeiten für Innovationen aufgezeigt!
Startend am 15.05. in Wien im Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie führt die Reise über den 16.05. hinweg durch die wunderschöne Landeshauptstadt und Umgebung. Am 16.05. geht es dann weiter in die Steiermark nach Weiz zu JOANNEUM RESEARCH, begleitet von einem abgestimmten und abwechslungsreichen Programm.
Die aktuellsten Details dazu, sowie nähere Informationen zu Anmeldung und Ablauf finden Sie auf der P4I-Projektseite.
This year on the International Day of Light 2023, Photonics Austria invites you to a delegation trip. In cooperation with the project Photonics4Industry, Austrian strengths will be communicated within three days, national and international exchange will be stimulated and opportunities for innovation will be highlighted!
Starting on 15 May in Vienna at the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, the journey will take us through the beautiful capital and its surroundings. On 16 May, the journey will continue to Styria to JOANNEUM RESEARCH in Weiz, accompanied by a coordinated and varied programme.
For the latest details and more information on registration and the agenda, please visit the P4I project page.
International Day of Light 2023 worldwide

Shape the Future
An initiative of Photonics Austria for the International Day of Light
Friday, 13. May and Monday, 16. May 2022
Impressions of the Day of Light 2022
Workshop "Photonics 4 Smart and Green Cities"
Fiber Optic Sensing for Smart Cities – Alexander Böller (NBG Fiber Optics)
Smart Photonics Sensors – Gernot Fasching (ams-OSRAM AG)
Safety and Sustainability in Outdoor Lightning * – Norbert Linder (Tridonic, Zumtobel Group)
Vehicle Lighting in the overall City Lighting Concept * – Peter Hartmann (ZKW Group)
Digital Twins in the Use of Urban Traffic Zones * – Matthias Rüther (JOANNEUM RESEARCH, DIGITAL)
Importance of the Evolution of LEDs for Indoor-Farming * – Martin Parapatits (PhytonIQ)
Public Series of Speeches "Photonic in our Society"
Welcome – BMin Leonore Gewessler (BMK)
Introductory Words – Michael Wiesmüller (BMK)
Presentation Photonics Austria * – Paul Hartmann (JOANNEUM RESEARCH, MATERIALS)
Members of the Platform * – Michael Wurzinger, (Photonics Austria)
Photonics in the European Union * – Heinz Seyringer (V-Research)
Quantencomputing: Opportunities and Challenges * – Clemens Rössler (Infineon Technologies)
Future of Light is smart * – Martin Strassburg (ams-OSRAM AG)
Presentation Photonics Austria Roadmap 2021-2027 * – Michael Wurzinger (Photonics Austria)
Working Group “P4GS, Photonics for a Green Society” * – Christian Pflaum (Ceramic Data Solution)
Working Group “Bildung” * – Gerd Krizek (FH Technikum Wien)
Working Group “ALPIN, Austrian Laser Production Innovation Network” * – Andreas Otto (TU Wien)
More Highlights
Panel Discussion – Photonic in the Smart City of the Future
Showact – Lasershow
Live Experiments
AIT Austrian Institut of Technology – Light-based Data Transmission and View of an Artificial Intelligence on Road and Rail Traffic by means of Real-time Analysis
JOANNEUM RESEARCH, MATERIALS – Optical Illusions with Colours and Light to Transmit Music and Language via Room Lightning and Optical Fiber
- FH Technikum Wien – Investigation of the Electromagnetic Spectrum using a Spectrometer and Infrared Camera, demonstration of a LIDAR which generates a Model of the Environment and Insights into Interferometry.
* only available in German
The Day of Light returns to Vienna in 2022!
One Day, three unforgettable events!

Event 1 - Experiments in the historic Tram
Friday, 13. Mai 2022
17:00 - 19:00 o'clock
Attention: new access point on the Schwedenplatz
On May 13, Photonics Austria invites to a special event on the occasion of the International Day of Light. Starting at 5:00 p.m., everyone will have the opportunity to get to know photonics and its numerous applications from different views at Schwedenplatz in Vienna and to experience a variety of experiments up close. According to the motto “Shaping the future”, you will find out what light can do, where it is already an integral part of our everyday life and which technologies we can look forward to in the coming years.
There is something for everyone, so don’t miss out!

Event 2 - Photonics 4 Smart and Green Cities
Monday, 16. Mai 2022
10:00 - 14:00 o'clock
The Photonics 4 Smart and Green Cities workshop will start with various presentations by leading experts in the photonics sector followed by a panel discussion. In addition to providing insights into current research topics and a lively exchange on-site, the event will also provide you with answers to any questions you may have and enable you to enter into possible partnerships.
Be part of the networking and collaboration community that is taking a closer look at the topic of “Photonics and the Future of Our Cities”.
The workshop will take place at the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.
Participation is possible for guests after registration.

Event 3 - Public Speeches
Monday, 16. Mai 2022
14:00 - 20:00 o'clock
Register now for our public lecture event at the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and benefit from exciting, cutting-edge presentations in the field of photonics and related research areas.
Learn more about light and its applications, get to know key players of the photonics industry in Austria and the European Union and find out what impact photonic technologies have on our society.
After the laser show, there will be additional opportunities to exchange ideas at the buffet and answer burning questions.
Be there and be inspired!
Trust science
An initiative of Photonics Austria for the International Day of Light in cooperation with Austrian schools, universities and research institutions.
See the light
An initiative of Photonics Austria for the International Day of Light
Friday, 8. May 2020
Dornbirn, Graz, Innsbruck, Wien

Unfortunately cancelled due to Covid19!
Location: Universität Innsbruck
Date: 8. May, morning
Content: What is light? Wave or particle ? How fast is light? What does an interferometer measure? How can we create photon twins for the communication technology in the future?
Participants: Students from 10. Schulstufe upwards
Location: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Date: 8. May, morning
Content: How does the blue sky and screens and modern light sensors fit together? On the occasion of the International Day of Light we take a look at modern lighting technology. We explore the basics of LED lamps, displays, lasers and communication via optical fibers. We also learn about light and colors in nature and why leaves are green and the sky is blue or red.
Participants: Students with age between 10-14 years
Location: Dornbirn
Date: 8. May, two sessions in the afternoon
Content: Lecture about “Optical data transmission”
Participants: Old and young
Location: Universität Wien
Date: 8. May, morning
Content: What is light? What are particles? Colours out of nothing: What happens, if laser-light hits matter? From 0 to 6000 degrees in 0,00000001 seconds: How to create plasma with lasers. Lasers for environmental analyses. Invisible light for detecting molecules.
Participants: High School Students
High Lights
An initiative of Photonics Austria for the International Day of Light
Thursday, 16. May 2019
17 o’clock, MCI Innsbruck

On the occasion of the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF LIGHT on May 16, 2019, the PHOTONICS AUSTRIA platform organized an interesting series of lectures for more than 120 guests in the impressive ambience of the MCI University of Applied Sciences on Maximilianstraße in Innsbruck, featuring well-known Austrian photonics companies and experts in the field, in order to offer a broad audience insights into this exciting future technology.
In the run-up to the main event, school students from Innsbruck and the surrounding area were able to gain valuable experience of scientific work with the Fraunhofer Institute’s BaKaRos system.
Heinz Seyringer (V-Research), Stefan Bernet (Med.-Uni Innsbruck), Albert Fiedler (Swarovski Optics), Carina Buchholz (Zumtobel) and Gregor Weihs (Uni Innsbruck) gave insights into the following topics:
- „Hightlights in Photonics“
- „Diffractive lenses with variable refractive power“
- „Feeling and seeing optics“
- „Chances and limits of the new tunable white-technology for light applications“
- „Quantum photonics – harnessing quantum states of light“
These topics were underlined with applications by Wilfried Pohl (Bartenbach), Elisabeth Kostal (FH Vorarlberg), Alexander Wörle (KDG) and Truong Le (Fraunhofer Institute).
The cozy setting in the beautiful ambience of the “Alte Post” provided for an interesting exchange among the guests afterwards.

Due to a technical problem with the camera and the audio, the presentations are unfortunately not available as video!
Licht in Aktion
An initiative of Photonics Austria for the International Day of Light
Wednesday, 16. May 2018
Festsaal des Bundesamtsgebäudes, Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Wien