
Become part of Photonics Austria

You are working with the “Key Enabling Technology” Photonics or are planning to in the future? 

You would like to cooperate in national, international and/or EU projects? 

You are interested in continous exchange with partner companies around Austria? 

You would like benefit from the platform Photonics Austria and drive innovation together with us?

Then this is the right place for you!

Our services for members

Networking - Representation of Interests - Information


  • Networking with photonics experts from industry, science and academia (association meetings, working group meetings, innovation workshops)

  • Networking events with other platforms and clusters (Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing Austria, Silicon Alps, Swissphotonics, OptoNet, etc.)

  • Topic-specific networking and brokerage events (Photonics4 series, e.g. Photonics 4 Industrial Production, Photonics 4 Sorting, Photonics 4 Additive Manufacturing)

Representation of Interests

  • Presentation of members and the topic of photonics to the public (events such as the yearly “International Day of Light”, brochures about Photonics Austria & members, representation at trade fairs, photonics success stories, etc.)  

  • Survey of national research needs and mediation towards politics and administration

  • Representation of Austrian interests in Europe (e.g. in the Public-Private-Partnership “photonics21”)


  • Prepared dokuments on funding, projects and cooperations

  • partner contacts in the field of photonics on the different levels (EU / national / regional)

  • Activities in the field of Photonics (events, publications, technologies and initiatives)

  • Expert groups on specific photonics topics (e.g. Austrian Laser Production Network ALPIN, Photonics for a Green Society P4GS, etc.)
  • Current job postings in the field of photonics and beyond


Here you can find all members of Photonics Austria. We are continuously improving and are looking forward to new members regularly.


We have aroused interest in our platform and you would like to know more about memebership? Get more information here!


Photonics Austria works with partners from industry, economy and science. Become one of them!